• 2022

    20th anniversary of NUKAT database; more than 5 million bibliographic records downloaded over 20 million times to local catalogs & more than 7 million authority records. New way of processing new bibliographic records since May 8, 2022, followed by the introduction of a new validating tool. Each cataloger can verify his or her bibliographic records before sending them to NUKAT database. In October 2022 the identical change will be introduced for name authority records. This is how we understand democratic procedures in shared cataloging - NUKAT union catalog is a shared achievement and responsibility of more than 1500 librarians from more than 180 libraries!

  • 2021

    Weekly online consultations for all cooperating libraries introduced since April 28. 2021. Each cataloger can report any problematic issue or question that will be discussed by NUKAT Center systems librarians and database operators. Real-time online consultations become a non-formal discussion board for NUKAT community

  • 2020

    880 fields with information in non-Latin scripts introduced in bibliographic records since October 14, 2020

  • 2019

    RDA rules introduced in authority records since June 10, 2019

  • 2018

    NUKAT is built by over 160 libraries; NUKAT bibliographic records are created following RDA rules and their overall number in NUKAT database approaches 4 million; NUKAT Center and Polish Librarians Association ran a series of workshops on new cataloging rules

  • 2017

    fifteenth anniversary of NUKAT union catalog; NUKAT authority records have become enhanced with VIAF and ISNI identifiers; rules and procedures for implementing RDA-compliant cataloging are prepared for books and early imprints; Union Authority File consists of more than 6 million records and NUKAT bib records have been downloaded over 15 million times

  • 2016

    journal articles and book chapters are introduced into shared cataloging in NUKAT; the union catalog is built by over 150 member libraries

  • 2015

    the "universal" authority record has been implemented in NUKAT; NUKAT offers access to more than 4 million authority records and 3 million bibliographic records

  • 2014

    NUKAT bibliographic records have been downloaded over 11 million times; NUKAT acquires a new web interface supported with Chamo software; more church libraries using Koha system join NUKAT; Maria Burchard, the Head of NUKAT Center, retires and Ewa Kobierska-Maciuszko becomes the new Head

  • 2013

    NUKAT Center formally declares the end of cooperation with Google due to the reasons independent of NUKAT Center; the cataloging instruction "MARC21 bibliographic record for iconographic document" is published; NUKAT bibliographic records have been downloaded over 9 million times; NUKAT is built by more than 90 libraries

  • 2012

    tenth anniversary of NUKAT union catalog; the project "NUKAT - Digital Information Highway" financed with EU grant is finished; NUKAT Center begins to provide Polish Association of Authors and Publishers with data used to pay compensations to foreign publishers for their titles circulated free of charge by Polish libraries

  • 2011

    NUKAT Center delegate becomes the member of European RDA Interest Group; the cataloging instruction for iconographic documents is published online at NUKAT Center website; NUKAT acquires a visual identity manual; NUKAT Center begins to run webinars; NUKAT offers access to more than 3 million authority records and 2 million bibliographic records, the latter having been downloaded over 7 million times

  • 2010

    first issue of "Tytuł Ujednolicony (Uniform Title)" quarterly is published; NUKAT Center staff and NUKAT libraries becomes involved in SYNAT project - the task is to build authority records for publishers and automate the process of adding headings for publishers to NUKAT bibliographic records; NUKAT bibliographic records have been downloaded over 6 million times; NUKAT is collectively built by more than 80 libraries

  • 2009

    NUKAT Center begins to send data to VIAF Virtual International Authority File; the integration of local catalogs content with NUKAT database is started as a part of EU financed project entitled "NUKAT - Digital Information Highway"; cataloging instructions "MARC21 bibliographic record for cartographic document" and updated "MARC21 authority record" are published

  • 2008

    NUKAT offers access to more than 1 million bibliographic records downloaded over 3 million times; NUKAT Center makes available online a database of records deleted from the union catalog; the cataloging instruction for movies is published; fifth anniversary of NUKAT is celebrated with a conference; the union catalog is collectively built by more than 70 libraries; the National Library of Poland closes cooperation with NUKAT

  • 2007

    NUKAT offers access to more than 2 million authority records; NUKAT Center publishes the cataloging instruction for early prints at its website

  • 2006

    NUKAT Center begins to cooperate with Google - NUKAT data saved as xml files are made available to Google indexing robots

  • 2005

    NUKAT begins to cooperate with OCLC - NUKAT bibliographic records are uploaded into WorldCat - the largest international union catalog; the National Library of Poland joins shared cataloging in NUKAT union database; NUKAT offers access to the mirror copy of National Library of Poland Subject Headings (JHPBN); NUKAT is built by 58 member libraries

  • 2004

    NUKAT offers access to more than 1 million authority records: one of NUKAT founders, Anna Paluszkiewicz (1941-2004) passes away

  • 2002


    June 10

    more than 700 000 authority records from the Union Authority File are loaded into NUKAT database; from now on authority records are built in the union database by 27 libraries

    July 5

    first bibliographic records are added to NUKAT database

    September 21

    more than 28 000 bibliographic records for serials are loaded into NUKAT from the Union Catalog of Serials run by Gdansk University Library

    September 30

    from now on serials are cataloged in NUKAT database

    October 21

    official opening of NUKAT Union Catalog in Warsaw University Library

  • 2001

    the Center for Formats and Authority Files is renamed NUKAT Center; the number of staff grows to 40; sotfware and hardware is purchased, software is adjusted to shared cataloging requirements, rules and procedures for shared cataloging are prepared

  • 1998

    NUKAT Coordination Group consisting of delegates from National Library of Poland and libraies using VTLS and Horizon integrated library systems designs a concept of the union catalog supported with the union authority file

  • 1996

    the new division of Warsaw University Library called the Center for Formats and Authority Files begins to supervise the Union Authority File

  • 1993

    the Authority File is made available online and changes name to the Union Authority File, more libraries join the process of its building

  • 1991

    Warsaw University Library begins to build a card authority file; the file includes the authority file of KABA Subject Headings based on RAMEAU and LCSH


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